The Team

Founding Member
Cat has been investigating haunted locations for several years. What started as a hobby, became a passion and grew into a business. When investigating, she prefers the more traditional methods of communication, such as glass work or table tipping. Cat considers herself quite a spiritual person and can often be found reading her Tarot cards or listening to creepy podcasts! Cat also loves history and mystery, so can easily spend a day binge watching all sorts of documentaries!

Founding Member
Danny has been experiencing all things paranormal from a very young age. You or I would run away, not Danny, he would go straight towards things that went bump in the night. This eventually led to him becoming a paranormal investigator and our tech savvy guru! If you don’t understand how the kit works, Danny’s your guy! There's no messing about with Danny, every investigation is taken seriously and with full respect. If Danny cant find a rational explanation, then you know something unexplained is occurring!!!

Founding Member
Sharon started her journey as a hobby that has grown over the years. She has always been open minded to unexplained phenomena, and this intensified her interest in the paranormal. Sharon is not one for jumping to conclusions, she will always look for a rational, environmental reason for activity. When no explanation is found, Sharon will admit it’s unexplained. With her level headedness, Sharon is the one who keeps an eye on the team, when things are getting intense, she is always there to pull us back.

Lead Investigator
Paul has investigated various locations all over Scotland. Like many of us, he has a passion for the paranormal, this passion has led him to be part of our team. Paul is a quick thinker and adapts his investigative techniques to match his environment. Known to push the boundaries, Paul is not one for backing down when things get scary and just like Sharon he will always seek out a rational explanation first. His keen intuition is an asset for any investigator and with his experience, he definitely brings an edge to our team!

James has a keen interest in the paranormal and can often be found silently observing the area he is investigating. James is one for trusting his senses and doesn’t rely too heavily on equipment and tech. His approach to investigating has served him well as he has been present for various unexplained phenomena. With the team, James is our Runner, darting from area to area to assist the teams with their kit, vigils and everything in between! In his spare time James plays the bagpipes and has competed in several competitions.

Kit Manager
Liz started investigating along side Danny and Cat in the early years of their paranormal journey. She is one for facing the paranormal head on! Often Liz will be the one nominated for a lone vigil, venturing into the dark with nothing but a torch, testing the boundaries of her own fear. Liz is a meticulous investigator, so naturally she became our kit manager! With a notorious eye for detail Liz is in charge of any and all kit, making sure everything that goes out, comes back in, and god help us all if anything’s broken! When not investigating Liz is also a fan of the Xbox and can often be engaged in combat with her Call of Duty team.

Graham has been investigating for a while as a lone wolf! After going it alone for so long, he decided it was time to combine forces and join a team. He brings a different perspective to the group as his time alone has shaped his investigative techniques. Graham is also the team researcher, he will deep dive into anything discovered at an investigation. Graham will seek out the truth and confirm or rule out what the investigations have uncovered. When not investigating the paranormal, Graham is quite happy with a fishing rod, or out wandering the beautiful country side.

Sean is one of the team mediums. Growing up Sean always had a connection to all things spiritual. Thinking this was normal for everyone, Sean assumed all the other kids had the same experiences! Getting older, he soon realised he was a bit different! Sean embraced his abilities and set to work developing his skills of communication. Sean also invested his time in becoming a Reiki practitioner. With his unique insight and understanding of the spiritual side of life, Sean brings an alternative and welcome aspect to our investigations. This includes guided scrying, transfiguration and pendulum work.

Magi is another of our seasoned mediums. As well as her developed spiritual skills, Magi has a vast knowledge in the traditional and sometimes forgotten methods of divination. From pendulums and crystal balls to ribbons and transfiguration with everything in between, Magi is the one who advises us. During our investigations Magi and Sean will work independently of each other, but sometimes for more intense situations they will wok together.